Student Feedback
Name withheld as attainments and experiences are only disclosed/discussed between teacher and student
Physically, my body felt light and at times it felt like I didn't really have a physical body except for the sensations I was feeling on the top of my head.
Mentally, the excitement/pressure feeling from the initial days of the meditation has subsided. Now the feeling of metta is more calm in a way without the excitement.
This continues during the walking meditation as well. My mind is more silent and quite with the intention of metta but not the excitement and the pleasure of it. I am genuinely surprised as to how silent my mind has become especially during walking meditation and during daily activities. Starting to understand what bhante meant when he said "life is meditation, meditation is life."
Mr AY, Mumbai, from an online retreat.
"Today during my morning sit which was from 8-11am I was able to radiate metta for the first hour until my body dissolved and I felt no discomfort at all. And my mind got so quiet and I was able to see just the vibrations that eventually become thoughts and I was able to relax these vibrations before they become distractions. It was so clear how all things in the 6 sense doors arise due to some cause and how ignorantly we tend to react to them and create a mental proliferation about these things in our mind. When none of it is under our control. It’s all just happening and I was able to watch this process for many hours today. It was very beautiful state to be in it even stretched into meal time and as I walked. The quiet mind stayed along as I kept 6ring all the distractions before they took my mind to far into mental proliferation. This is a very amazing technique. I’ve been doing Goenka style vipassana for 13 years and in all my time I haven’t seen dependent origination so clearly"
~Mr A from an online retreat